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Biological and Physiological Stress causes Mental and Emotional Stress.
Welcome back to burnout help stress and Burnout first aid.
I hope you're doing well and I hope that you're not too stressed. And if you are stressed, then I hope you're managing it well.
Today I want to speak about internal stress. I've touched on this topic before in a in a couple of videos and in some of my social media post. I want to go back to it because I recently had a discussion with a with a friend who's a doctor, a holistic doctor, and he has a very interesting understanding of of the relationship between the brain, emotions, nervous system and our internal health.
He used the term resilience recently to speak about strengthening our internal health and resilience. I find this very interesting because when we speak of resilience most of us tend to think of emotional and mental resilience. First we have to make make an effort to be re resilient mentally and then our body and the rest will follow. This is the more or less accepted way of looking at resilience.
But he used it in the other direction. We're talking about internal resilience as in the resilience of our organs, hormones, neurotransmitters, gut health, and of other indicators and markers of health and resilience which we can use to understand how resilient we are on the inside. And to take this further, he was saying that, for example, for somebody who has an imbalance of good and bad bacteria, and I've touched on that in another video video, there's a cascading effect across the body.
Most of us know about probiotics as a way to improve gut health. But actually many cases, we have to dig a little bit deeper because the probiotics are not enough. The origin of the stress could also be a bacteria in the stomach, or it could be SIBO, or a parasite. It could also be an allergy to mold, or something connected to histamine, or something else.
If any of these conditions lingers in the body for some time, it triggers a stress reaction in the entire body. We might not really pay too much attention to it and we might not even know that we have such a condition. Most people will not find out until after many years that a lot of their problems were related to histamine, mold, bad bacteria, parasite, or to a hormonal imbalance. But these stressors linger in the body and create a chain reaction. A bad bacteria in your gut does not simply mean that you are bloated or that you have a have stomach ache. It actually is affecting many other things in your body. For example, it is affecting the production of neurotransmitters, the balance of hormones, it is sending signals to your nervous system and to your brain and it is impacting your emotions.
We live in a society where we think that most problems and stress start here in the brain and go down towards the body. I am creating this problem in my body because I'm stressed or because I am very sad at the moment. And yes of course, there is a clear top-down impact, but what most of us do not know is that there is actually much more going on in a bottom-up manner. Going back to the example of bad bacteria in your intestinal track, these have the potential to create a constant state of stress that becomes a part of yourself. You think that if you are stressed, it must be because you have these bills to pay or because of what your boss told you. Yes, these things play a role, but you could also be stressed without knowing it because of everything that this bacteria is doing inside of your body, or because you've been living working with a hormonal imbalance for some time or because your neurotransmitters are upside down. It could also be that your neurotransmitters are upside down because of this bad bacteria, or because you have a vitamin deficiency, or maybe because your mitochondria (responsible for energy production) is not functioning properly. You might be tired and wondering if the stress is at work is making you tired. Perhaps, but maybe something has also happened at some point in the past and your mitochondria is no longer able to really do its job properly.
To summarize, make sure that you build an awareness for what's going on inside of you. Also, make sure that you understand that not all stress begins in your brain and through external triggers. A lot of our stress, including how we feel and how we deal with these external triggers actually comes from inside the body. A person whose mitochondria, vagus nerve, gut, hormones and neurotransmitters are all working very well, is going to be much more resilient to whatever life throws at them. And somebody who has a dysfunction inside, perhaps without even knowing it, is going to be a lot less able to deal with the stress of life and work. So it goes in both directions but it goes more strongly than you think from the bottom up than from the top down. The stress that internal disregulation causes influences our emotions and our reactions.
Therefore, how you deal with the stress of the outside world is not just connected to your thoughts and emotions but also to the resilience that you have inside of you and to how well everything is working. I do not want you to become paranoid or hypervigillant but be aware of what might be going on inside of you. If you're very stressed and if you don't feel that you're making progress, get a gut health check, or check your hormones or neurotransmitters. If you find a problem 'internally' and fix it, you might realize that you're much much more able to deal with the stress in your life.
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